Showing posts with label Google Documents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Documents. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thing #19 - Google Docs - 2nd Post

Oh My Gosh! I had NO idea, whatsoever, that this was available. I can see so many uses for this. For one thing my husband and I can share documents when he is out of town, also, if I create something on Google Docs on my home computer and then want to access it from my husband's lap top, it will be a piece of cake. Another use for me is to create something, at home, that I want to use at school. How easy it will be to access it whenever I need it and edit it, at school, if necessary and not have to make the change at home! In the past I've either e-mailed it to myself or had to use a jumpdrive but this way will be so much easier.

I'm so excited about all the things I've learned! I'm overwhelmed but yet have plans to use so much of these new things. In fact, I am excited to get finished with this entire project so I can concentrate on going back to some of them. I'm sure they will become second nature to me after a short time (I'm just praying there aren't too many more changes in the near future - I can't keep up with too, too much!).

The Blogging is so easy for me now and I know I've only touched the tip of the iceberg. I found Google Calendars which can be used in the same way that I can use Google Docs. My husband and I can both access it and get to it from anywhere. We've been able to do that on ICal but this just seems easier and there is no need to sync anything. I'm not sure if I can figure out how to share my created documents but if I can easily figure it out then I will post one or two of them here. Well, actually, I can probably do that pretty easy but don't know if someone would need my Google password to see them. I'll try . . . (these are pretty rough) I had never used "Forms" before and I think that would come in incredibly handy for library use, school use and other things I can think of. Anyway, here are the addresses:

On to Thing #20 . . .

Google Docs - Thing #19 - 1st Post

This first post is just a test. I made a document in Google Docs but now I just want to see if I can type a link here and then be able to view it without logging into Google. I'm just trying to figure out how all of this works as I'm fascinated that Google Docs is even available (and all the others mentioned to). Wow! Again.