Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thing #22 - Podcasts

It is late, for me, and I'm tired. I wanted to put a feed of one of the Podcasts that I found but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I will probably try tomorrow afternoon when I have a little more time (BEFORE I go to the dentist, Ugh!). I found a couple of Podcasts that I really liked one being a Podcast video on parenting and the other a school that has 7th & 8th graders putting podcast book reviews on. I think that is such a great idea. I listened to one of them and just loved what the kids were doing and the enjoyment that I could tell they were getting out of it.

I did figure out that I MUCH prefer video podcasts since I'm a visual learner and just listening to them does me no good. They go in one ear - right through the 'ole brain as if it were totally transparent - and out the other ear. I also found a video cast that is about new technology and all the little gadgets they come out with. I liked that one also and plan to check into a couple others of the same nature. I subscribed to only three podcasts right now but am flabbergasted at the number of them available. It's too much to sort through. I didn't find a library one that I really liked much so I'll have to go searching again for one of those.

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