Saturday, January 10, 2009

OK - That's IT!

I'm done for tonight and probably Sunday also since I can't get anywhere.  I was going to cheat and move on to #7 but everywhere I go and then try to add the feed it says "no feeds found".  I'm really tired of this and unhappy with my computer, these crummy RSS feeds that are keeping me from moving on, and I have a stiff neck.  I'm simply STUCK!  Tomorrow . . . tomorrow . . . (or Monday if need be).

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about your frustrating experience with Bloglines. It very well could be that they were having problems and you were doing everything right. I hope maybe if you go back to bloglines it will work for you now - and that they will have sent you a confirmation email by now. If not, you might want to check out Google Reader. It is another feed reader service and if you already have a google account (used to login to Blogger) you can login with it.

    Please let us know if you are still having trouble! We'll do what we can to help, so you can move on to thing 7 without feeling guilty!
