Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thing #15 - SlideShare - Very Nice!!

Below is my SlideShare that I posted. It was for the summer reading program "Catch the Reading Bug". I did it for about twenty kids at our local library. It was a fun thing to do - and I think most of the kids enjoyed it. Some adults learned a few things also! The Slideshow below was especially fun because I used all of my own pictures from my own backyard. That made it a pretty special presentation to me. A few of the pictures are missing but I felt like I got the jist of what SlideShare was all about and I was able to upload my own so I think I'm going to move on to the next Thing. I will - again - go back and utilize this site and probably inform some of the teachers about it just in case they aren't aware. It's a great tool for the classroom as I'm sure there are plenty of slideshows that are able to be downloaded and/or utilized. Awesome!

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