Monday, January 19, 2009

Thing #16 - Library 2.0

I think of Library 2.0 as sort of a second step to Library 101. Like a class at college where one class intrduces you to the basics and the second class gets in-depth. You need to understand the first before you step into the second. Library 2.0 is a necessity for libraries of today. Even small libraries like ours . . . if we do not step into Library 2.0 we will fade into the past and not be able to keep up with the future. Its just a matter of time before accreditation will rely on these technologies. If we aren't up-to-date we will not be accredited.

Furthermore, we need to advertise the fact that we have these technologies. We need to cater to the kids that are growing up with this stuff. An example would be to ensure we have the types of software that kids utilize at school so they can work on their projects. We need to know a little about all these things like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Podcasts, LibraryThing, Blogging etc. so we can advertise them to our patrons and help them, a bit, if they need it. At least be able to guide them. I recently found out that our copier at the library can scan a document and e-mail it, directly to me, in a PDf format. These are the types of things we need to advertise to keep our patrons interested in the library and utilize our services.

Most people have computers nowadays, but not all. We need to have the amenities that are needed by those who do not have these services and for those who need a little extra. Maybe they have a computer but don't have all of the software they need. Some kids who cannot afford a playstation 2, much less a playstation 3 or an Xbox or Xbox 360 can almost get behind in this world. Having these things available can help keep some kids in the 21st century.

I think Library 2.0 is so great. I am learning so much and I didn't even realize some of these things were readily available at the click of my keyboard and I'm on my computer everyday. We need to keep younger kids interested, also, in the profession of librarian and let them know that it is becoming technical. They will be interested and be able to contribute far more than some of us who are learning later in life.

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