Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thing #13 - Twitter

Unfortunately, I don't much care for Twitter. It appears to be a waste of time simply "following" people. I did, however, enjoy "searching" Twitter for interesting tidbits about different things. I don't really think I will use it much but I could be wrong. I'm sure if many of my friends start using it then I may begin to follow them. Right now, though, I don't see the advantage to this site. Also, all day it has said that Twitter was having problems so I couldn't do searches for people. I found some but couldn't search for friends.

I did find a little note on the Thing 13 page that told me where I could find a more fun blog background. I don't really like what I chose but don't have time to fix it right now. It looks like it will be fun to play with.

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