Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One more Thing about Thing #21

I was just re-reading what I'm supposed to do for Thing #21 and one thing was to list how it could be used at the library or what could or would be gained by adding it. Just to reiterate how quickly the "young minds" utilize this information I wanted to say that I just briefly mentioned this to one of my 13-year-olds who asked me what I was doing. His immediate response was: "It would be perfect for the library because there are so many "how-to" YouTubes. Ones that explain all kinds of ways to make things and how things work, and experiments you can learn from." Anyway, I was fascinated by how quickly he thought of that. I hadn't immediately. I was just thinking how it would attract younger kids because they like YouTube but I hadn't thought of how useful it could be for them. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it because I've so enjoyed the Common Craft Show and learned so much, so quickly, just because it was a quick and easy video. Very simple and very easy to understand! Library's can certainly use YouTube.

Now I'm really on to Thing #22.

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