Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing #17 - Wiki Worlds

I don't care for Wiki's and I can't say that reading and studying more of them has changed my mind much. I can see the positives that were outlined in the Common Craft show, however, I don't care for the informational ones. I really dislike Wikipedia! I think that many, many people do not understand what it is and utilized information as if it were from an encyclopedia. Seeing kids do "google searches" at school and not realize what Wikipedia is has been a burr in my saddle for a long time. I don't believe they are informed of what it is and sometimes try to use it for reference materials for reports. These young minds can get a hold of information that was written at someones whim and keep it in their minds as fact. Maybe someday I'll feel differently but, as of now, I'm not very open minded to them. This was informative but not mind-changing.

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