Saturday, January 10, 2009


Duh!  I just figured out that if Bloglines wouldn't send me a verification, I could certainly choose another place to get feeds from.  I tried subscribing even though they said I wasn't a confirmed "Blogliner" and it let me subscribe to some.  I'm going to keep working on this THING although I'm just not sure how this feed thing works yet.  Do I go to Bloglines everyday?  Do they send them directly to my e-mail?  I'm afraid I'll lose my Bloglines once I get out of here because my mind is so full of this new stuff.  I wish I would have known about Nebraska Learns 2.0 sooner so I would have just done one or two lessons each week.  I think I'm overwhelming myself . . . I'll see . . . I may have to just pace myself and slow it down to one or two a week even though that's not what I want to do.

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