Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thing #14 - Delicious

Delicious is going to be a wonderful asset to me. I like to access my bookmarks from my school computer, my home desk top computer and my husband's laptop and now I can use Delicious so I have them everywhere. Sometimes I access the computer at the public library and sometimes at my mother's . . . it will be so nice to be able to get my bookmarks anywhere. I also love the tags so I can find my bookmarks easier. It may take me some time to get used to it but I know I am going to like it very much. There is so much valuable information there. It will narrow down google searches as I can find things that are really useful assuming that people only bookmark, to Delicious, the sites that are truly useful to them. Again, I will go back to Delicious and review it more after I am finished with all the "Things".

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