Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thing #23 - Not ready for The End

Hmmmm - I think, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . " It's been enjoyable and yet, at times, I wanted to pull my hair out when I didn't quite understand something or I wanted to accomplish something a certain way and just couldn't do it. This took a lot of time but it was time well-spent and I plan to spend a lot more time as I go back and explore even more and start utilizing some of the things I've learned.

These are the things that I most enjoyed learning:
  • Blogging - I'd heard of it but didn't really know what it was. It turns out that I've even read some peoples Blogs a long time ago, I just didn't know they had a name
  • Meebo - That's something I intend to download and use since so many of my friends & family are on different instant messaging
  • RSS feeds - I knew a little about them but not enough to know how to use them
  • Web-based Applications  - Learning about Google Docs is a god-send.  I plan to use this a LOT
  • Library Thing - I'll use this to keep track of the books I've read
Gosh, I think I could go on and on.  I learned so much and have so much yet to learn.  I would do this again in a minute.  I'm glad I found it soon enough to be able to finish it for credits.  I can use it towards my library certification and I didn't have to take time from work!

I have no suggestions for improvement as I thought it went smoothly and worked well.  Thanks to the staff that made this possible!  I hope there is a "next time" as I look forward to it.

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